Student Attendance Programs

Student Support

There are several ways that students may receive support for participation at the conference.

The SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop at ICFP
ICFP is hosting the SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop, which will provide a number travel grants for student attendees. See the PLMW site for more details.
ICFP is pleased to offer a number of opportunities for student volunteers, who are vital to the efficient operation and continued success of the conference each year. The student volunteer program is a chance for students from around the world to participate in the conferences whilst assisting us in preparing and running the event. Free registration, meals and banquet ticket will be provided.
The ACM Student Research Competition, Sponsored by Microsoft
Support will be provided for Students wishing to enter the competition. For more information on the Competition and how to apply, follow the instruction found here.
The SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee (PAC Fund)
The SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee provide supplemental financial support for attending ICFP in the form of student grants, child-care support, companion travel grants and long distance international travel support. To apply, follow the instructions found here.
ACM-W Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences
ACM-W provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in Computer Science and related programs to attend research conferences.